About Us

At Qityol eBook App, we are passionate book lovers who have developed a platform that revolutionizes the way readers access their favorite books. Our mission is to break down the barriers of time and distance, ensuring that readers worldwide can instantly indulge in their desired literary adventures. Gone are the days of waiting anxiously for shipped books that could take an eternity to arrive, if they even arrive at all. With our innovative approach, we have pushed the limits of convenience, enabling readers to access a vast library of books with just a few taps on their devices. We understand that education and entertainment should have no boundaries, and that's why we have dedicated ourselves to creating a seamless experience for readers worldwide. Whether you're craving the latest bestseller or a cherished classic, Qityol eBook App provides instant access to a comprehensive collection of books that cater to a wide range of interests and genres. Through our app, readers can embark on literary journeys, expand their knowledge, and immerse themselves in captivating stories without the limitations of time and location. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to indulge in the transformative power of literature, and we have made it our mission to ensure that no reader is left waiting for their next great read. Join us on our quest to make books universally accessible. With Qityol eBook App, the world of literature is at your fingertips, ready to be explored, enjoyed, and shared.

Our History

Founded in 2022, our company has a singular mission: to make books available to people all over the world. We believe in the transformative power of literature and are committed to making it accessible to anyone, anywhere. Whether you're looking for the latest bestseller or a hard-to-find classic, we strive to offer the most comprehensive selection of books available online. Our team of passionate book lovers is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service, and we are always exploring new ways to improve our platform and enhance the reading experience for our customers. Over the years, we have expanded our services to include podcasts, audiobooks, and short videos, providing readers with a diverse range of content to engage with. Our platform fosters a vibrant community where readers can connect, interact, and share their reading experiences. We offer a dedicated space for readers to showcase their favorite books and engage in discussions, allowing them to connect with fellow book enthusiasts from around the world. Furthermore, we have recently introduced a live feature that enables authors to launch their books directly on our platform. This feature provides a unique opportunity for authors to connect with their readers, host book discussions, and share insights into their writing process. We believe in bridging the gap between authors and readers, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for literature. At our core, we remain dedicated to our mission of making books available to people all over the world. By continually exploring new avenues and embracing technological advancements, we strive to enhance the reading experience and create an inclusive platform that brings together authors, readers, and literary content in a seamless and interactive manner.